Gamification definition

Gamification - used for application software and website approache, typical for computer games, in non-gaming processes in order to attract users and consumers,increase participation in problem solving, use of products, services.

Assessment of professional knowledge as intellectual capital

In practice, company executives prefer a simple definition of intellectual capital: aggregate of intangible, or intangible assets, which are not specified in financial documents of the company, but can be codified, evaluated and managed by the company. Some large corporations(ВР, British American Tobacco, Novo Nordisk) in 2004 provided besides financial statements so called non-financial reports. They are directly related to intellectual capital, because they reveal to the public those assets, which is difficult to evaluate in financial terms. Company Skandia, Dow Chemical Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce attached to annual reports with traditional financial indicators, as well as reports for domestic use, valuation of intellectual capital. Such world famous consulting companies, us Booz - Allen & Hamilton, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, also use the concept intellectual capital in explaining to clients the structure of their intangible assets, especially those, which become key success factors. knowledge management give lead in direction of strategic development, pays attention to resources, which have become main today and at the same time not always efficiently used by.


Anbus Airbus Simulator Interface - 148.

Simulator, but use of advanced technology it creates atmosphere of flight. This can be clearly seen with the introduction of the aircraft, stall and spin. When felling occurs visible blockage of the wing с потерей высоты. When turning need to keep track of speed, which starts will decrease, and for its correction you need to add craving.

Simulator program interface Sharkworld / oil platform / NPP / tanker

Sharkworld - business simulator, imitating the work of the director shark aquarium, and part-time - swimming pool. Someone may even take for the game of your dreams. Do not be afraid, sharks and visitors will swim separately, and it doesn't matter, because the task we are completely different. Need to follow the construction, to count risks, negotiate, to assemble a team. And you can be are calm - calm your work will not be. Developers have added the game is almost a detective story, starting with the mysterious the disappearance of the former project management, so get ready for all troubles, which can only be.

If ordinary games award successful players points, then for serious games and serious prizes. One of the largest dutch law firms, Houthoff Buruma, released simulator company acquisitions. In the story, the Chinese ministry decided invest huge money in one energy project. But for its implementation requires six unique devices and technologies, who are in the hands of a Dutch company, not easy, but with centuries-old traditions - family business, very successful. Over 90 minutes the player must convince a sufficient number of shareholders to sell you a controlling stake, and then prepare a "letter of intentions ", and so that the former owners did not hire killers as an expression of their discontent. Win in this game difficult. But the prize is worthy. Graduate of law college, who showed his mastery in company takeovers, gets a position in the company and can expect a good career.


NASA champions among the number of simulations per project.

Using of gamification

The educational process at the departments of a specific profile requires also the exercise of individual control over the work each student, for his personal learning activities, does not allow substitution of individual student learning outcomes for work groups and vice versa. Modern technologies allow significantly optimize this process. The student gets the opportunity to perform tasks at an individual pace, which is especially important when using the controlling tasks of the second and third level. Computer processing of the results allows get a picture of the performance of each student in the dynamics, also statistics of group performance, course. A joint use of the rating system provides additional features to analyze the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

Objectivity control using information technology eliminates the teacher’s subjective opinions, based on the insufficient study of the individual properties of students or prejudice to them. In this case, to all students common requirements, and work is evaluated in accordance with uniform regulations and standards. One of the most important factors use of information technology in monitoring success student learning activities is its independence. Lack of contact with the examiner, examination board associated with significantly less stress for the student, raises his hopes for objectivity of evaluation and confidence in the results. The pedagogical aspects of widespread adoption are ambiguous self-study students. One side, goals self work is the activation of mental activity, development the ability to independently solve cognitive tasks, practical application of acquired knowledge, skills. With another, the organization of the process of self-training involves development of a mechanism for managing the process of learning software educational material, requiring important tasks: definition volume and nature of self-study, selection of sources scientific information, learning how to work with benefits.

So, gamification in training solves several problems at once:
• attracting students to the educational process;
• increase motivation and interest in success;
• increase learning comprehensibility;
• stimulation of interest in further development and education.
Modern gaming systems can be used for individual or group training. Also created teacher relationship improvement programs a student, contributing to increased confidence and achievement.
