
Official developer site:

The most sought-after version is Cocos 2D-X, thanks to C ++. and cross-platform. The current stable version of the engine is 2.1.5, which was released on August 23 of this year. Declared support: iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7 (XNA), BlackBerry, Tizen, Bada, Marmalade, Windows, Linux. Using Cocos 2D-X, You can code in C ++, Lua and JavaScript. Use the engine as programmers, researchers, small indie teams, and Game Industry Monsters: Zynga, Konami, Disney Mobile. Due to the engine's wild popularity - one and a half billion downloads of games based on it - in its development they take involved developers from Google, Microsoft, Intel.


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Corona SDK provides tools for creating cross platform games. The API allows you to create 2D games, and also helps you create complex functions using the API on Lua based. In addition, you can monetize the Corona SDK with using Corona Ads. Development with Corona is pretty simple. thanks to real-time testing. Example development with CORONA SDK.


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CryEngine 3 is focused on creating cross-platform games, designed for PC and consoles. Currently Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation platforms supported 3-4, WiiU, as well as desktop visualization technology Windows - DirectX 9–11. As you can see, support There are no mobile platforms. It is originally present support for global multiplayer (MMO) games. CryEngine 3 has a stunning list of visualization technologies, Here are some of them: dynamic lighting and shading in real time misting, terrain 2.5D, normal maps and parallax mapping, subsurface scattering, light rays and waves, control of the level of landscape detail, and much another. The most interesting thing is that CryEngine in its capabilities ahead of the current version of DirectX, that is, for example, CryEngine 2 (in the game Crysis Warhead), visualizing via DirectX 9, issued effects from directx 10.


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GameSalad is another game engine with minimal or no coding skills at all. It is easy to use. and anyone can create a game from scratch. Another advantage using GameSalad is the fact that it allows publish the game on all known platforms, including Windows Android, IOS, etc. Plus, the engine is available for Mac. and Windows.


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The history of the engine began in the late nineties, when American company Simutronics began to develop MMORPG Hero’s Journey. As time has shown, with the game they have nothing failed: repeated postponement of the date and failure of the project. However, the technology on which the development was based was highly evaluated inside the industry and at gaming events, and the engine was licensed by several studios, including BioWare. As a result, in 2010, the engine as an independent technology was sold Corporation Idea Fabrik. In the same year, she began selling the engine under two licenses. The license involves the purchase of the entire engine. together with the source for the fabulous amount of money. The user will have to organize the entire hardware and software infrastructure of the game. In addition to server hardware, this includes: server operating system (Cent OS), database Oracle, the license for which is also Nemer. Based on the second option, all licenses for additional software, maintenance server software and hardware takes on Idea Fabric - for indie studios very favorable option.


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libGDX is a cross-platform framework which is written in Java and working with OpenGL. Offers support for multiple platforms for publishing games. Ingress (predecessor to Pokémon GO) was developed using libGDX. Community support also gorgeous because of this you can get great documentation for work. Sample development using libGDX.


Official developer site:

Phaser is an open source HTML5 engine that recently induces a lot of hype. It is well maintained Richard Davy and the community around him. This is a great option. for those who want to create web games. Phaser Development looks like that.


Official developer site:

It can develop games for three platforms: Windows, OS X and what is the most interesting, iOS (and selling games on the App Store, without deducting not a penny to the authors of the engine). The whole engine is one code base on C ++ without additional exporters. While writing an article in T2D’s developer community was buzzing with work compiled version for android and reincarnation of these very "Lost" editors. The current stable version is 2.0. As you can see, the fundamental differences between the 2D and 3D versions are graphics subsystem: T2D uses OpenGL for rendering, and T3D - DirectX, while still the ninth version, which blocks games created with its help in Windows Store. There is where develop!


Official developer site:

HTML5 engines are popular with game developers. One of these is Turblenz, an open platform for game developers. It includes all the basic functions that are needed. to develop, integrate and monetize the game. Besides, There are no restrictions on use, as it is available by MIT licenses.


Official developer site:

UDK is a free version of the UE 3 engine that has everything inherited toolkit last to create gaming worlds. The list of supported platforms is not as wide as that of Unity, but this is enough to pay back the development: Windows PC, Windows Store, OS X, iOS, Android and the penultimate console generations. For scripting in the engine uses its own language - UnrealScript. The developer site presents tons educational materials, both text and video, as editor and scripting. UE3 received many awards at industrial events, as well as in cinema and not once became the best game / graphics engine of the year.


Official developer site:

The most popular engine for creating 2D and 3D games. Undoubtedly, he became industry leader, and as soon as a new gaming / graphic technology, developers immediately implement it in Unity. In addition to the development of single player games for PC, by means of connected exporters can port games to other operating systems, consoles and mobile technology (exporter will have to pay 1500 dollars for each platform: iOS, Android, BlackBerry). Plus to this there was a whole industry working on add-ons and engine extensions, among them there are both specialized server solutions for Unity (e. g. Photon - a full-fledged gaming server) and custom development tools Interfaces (NGUI), constructors designed to create games of certain genres (e. g. Playmaker).
The Unity editor itself has ports under OS X and Windows, while it was originally intended for OS X. Unity includes support for DirectX 11, which opens your way to the worlds of Windows applications 8 and Windows Phone 8. At the time of writing this article came out Unity version numbered 4.2, in which support appeared the latest at the moment OpenGL ES 3.0, while these tools Only top Android-smartphones possess. Unity engine especially valuable for low entry threshold for novice users, thanks to this, as well as the fact that the indie version is free, around the engine organized a huge community. Low threshold of entry is the result of competent application design: many things can be done with the help of various editors without writing there is not a single line of code (if anything, the code is written in JavaScript, C #, Boo). The C / C ++ source code is closed, but this is due to The extended component structure of the engine does not create any obstacles.

unreal engine 4

Official developer site:

Unreal Engine 4 is another of the most advanced. game development engines. It is available for free, but you need pay 5% of royalties as soon as your income exceeds $ 3000. AT according to the information from the official site you do not pay royalties if you create: a project for the cinema, architectural projects and visualization. Final Fantasy VII Remake - remake of the popular Final Fantasy VII released in 1997, and Tekken 7 were created using Unreal Engine 4.
