Game classification:

In order to somehow streamline the diversity of games, it was proposed to separate them by two parameters:
1. Use of game elements. On this axis, on one side will be to play a full game (whole game), in which are used all the game elements she needs. Нand the other is use individual game elements (Parts)
2.Game \ Entertainment (Gaming \ Playing). Need to stay here and figure it out, how is the game different from entertainment. By entertainment (playing) is meant aimless waste of energy. She is spontaneous and has no goals, Besides enjoyment. Entertainment is freedom of action, inside a certain rigid framework.boundaries exist, can not go beyond them, but inside these boundaries is complete, unrestricted freedom.
The game is a cruel and orderly structure, with certain rules. It draws participants to some conflict. Move development of the conflict and its outcome depends on the actions of participants, from their conscious choice.
There are 3 basic game requirements:
1. Each game must pursue game goals.
2. The game goes according to established and unchanged rules. Rules govern actions of players;
3. Game form. Players know the rules and voluntarily abide by them.
The game is a voluntary overcoming of artificial obstacles. Every game has borders, which may be real (football field limits) or virtual (existing in players mind). Within these boundaries, the game is real for everyone of the participants, it attracts them to the process and motivates to continue the game. That is why the problem of gamification - how can tighten the user to the created virtual world of the game.
In gamification need use next tasks:
• the player’s decision must be voluntary;
• the player must either learn something new, or solve some problem;
• there must be a balance between the structure of the game and free trial.
Virtual and real worlds constantly interact. In the virtual world is simulated real. Real world borrows some technology from virtual.

Varieties of game genres

15 main gameplay elements highlighted of which any game consists

Information game

As the name implies, the main thing in this games groups - receiving information in all its manifestations. In such games sometimes there is planning, and dynamics, but the information in them much more important. The golden middle of the group is «RPG (RolePlayng Game)». Games, in which you can live, to be used as a hero, in which as main merits expose the atmosphere, plot, game world. On the same border - straight, like a rail, plot (where is the only correct way, and impossible depart at least a step away from this path),on the other side opposite - absolute freedom (huge open world, freedom of action and the complete lack of plot). All genres of the group lie between these two extremes).

Learning game

By genre: Many, starting transfers names of known genres, forget about this genre. Only two categories of people remember him: the creators themselves of games and parents of young children. The genre itself is intended to narrow age audience, but, as part of, he used in a variety of games. Called such a part - tutorial. Sign of: educational material, lack of discretion.

Questions, riddles

By genre: Compared to games training there is more freedom here: there are several answer options for each question. This includes almost all intelligent television quizzes and their computer counterparts. Признак: multiple answer options.


By genre: Compared to games "Riddles" here is more freedom: correct answers always more than one, also on the next question or player response, the result of this action may depend on all previous action. Many questions and answers are connected logically into one - in a conversation. Main group of games, where on first place of communication - dating simulator. This can also be attributed so-called "artificial intelligence simulation programs" (this is when you can type text, representing the question or approval, and the program will be logical to answer all this) although it's hard to call a game. Games of this genre are primitive. There is still a very large potential for their development. Perhaps the further development of such games will contribute to the creation of an important part of artificial intelligence - a logical language.. Sign of: interlocutor and nothing else.

Heroic game

By genre: Heroic system (feature set, skills, inventory) as one of the components games - used in most modern games. This genre impurity is used in action movies, and in strategies, and it holds almost all role-playing games. in its pure form is often found in simple games - in social networking applications. Relatively recently appeared genre"Clicks", where the gameplay is built only on character development and one-button shouting enemies. Sign of: heroic statistics (levels, characteristics, stats).


By genre: Compared to "heroic" games even more freedom. The player can still communicate with anyone - or being, but plus to this, now he can decide, which creature what role will play in his life. Player himself chooses, who is his enemy, who is a friend, who to talk to, and who do not even notice. In front of him free, open to exploring the world. Freedom of one being ends there, where the freedom of the other begins. And as an extreme point of freedom - total loneliness. In most games, this state is temporary. Role connections are absent at the beginning of the game, they are created in the process. But there are games, very close to the extreme point, where is the player practically one, and he is free in his actions. Sign of: open world, freedom of choice.


By genre: The genre at the junction of "learning" and "riddles". The result is a single process: learning and immediately applying the knowledge gained in one game. Sign of: incomprehensible devices, mechanisms or abilities.


By genre:This is the same puzzle: need to solve some mystery (tasks, problem), but methods of solving it unknown to the player. In order for the puzzle to be solved, need to most to collect the scattered information, let alone for that need to communicate with various interlocutors (which perhaps, in turn, will ask all the new puzzles). Sign of: talk, use of things.

Browser role

By genre: Browser game exists due to communication of many real players. They all compete in a single role-playing game systems. Sign of: interaction with real players to develop your hero.


By genre: In the composition is "exploring the world", means this “journey”. Also in the composition there is a “role”, which means there is a plot. The result is, this is a “journey” with a “plot”. What can be called in one word - "Adventure". The hero is "armed" with the entire arsenal of role-playing system, the plot is pretty simple, but interesting. A long time ago, before the appearance 3D in games, this place was occupied by so-called "actions", long-dead genre. But now those games are included, in which plot and atmosphere prevails over gameplay. Sign of: spacious world, lots of interesting characters, the battle is minimal.

Online text game

By genre: Genre - antiques - MUD. You can easily imagine such games like quests, but without a graphic picture of the world. Interaction the virtual world happens through "communication" text. Words that can be used to solve posed story puzzles unknown. They need invent carefully studying the provided text. Sign of: solving quests with text commands.

Online role playing

Communication in broad sense of the word. In contrast to the "quest",communicate here you need not to solve problems, but to develop your social status (which in most cases is displayed only numbers opposite the line "hero level" and increase number of special moves). Sign of: a lot of real players in the virtual world with an RPG system.

Role-playing game

By genre: The golden mean of the "information game" items "mysteries", "communication" consist in "quests", where built the whole plot of such games. Enough appears in the plot greater freedom due to the element "role". Role in turn - communication in the broad sense of the word. The result is: roleplaying communication in the name of solving global problems. Sign of: a lot of real players in the virtual world with an RPG system.

Action game

The main thing in the games of this group is movement, which must be implemented controlling what body (human or humanoid), or technical means. The golden middle of the group is “Action”. The most dynamic games. It is these games that are praised for that they develop a reaction rate. On one side - arcade (easy to learn, unreality of what is happening), on the other side the opposite is modeling (difficulty in mastering, realistic). All genres of the group lie between these two limits.


By genre: Classic arcade - a group of very diverse action games, who do not fall under the definition of other genres. Only thing than them can be combined together - small levels, which need completely clean. This is one of the oldest genres. Benchmark Games this genre can be found now only on old consoles. At present time to this genre are only the simplest games of action. Sign of: performance of tasks on a small limited level.


By genre: This genre includes many ordinary action games, in which there are scary moments. This is not the right approach. genre definition. Horror is a game mechanic, not the atmosphere game world. Sign of: heroes of the game can not attack, there are dangerous enemies around.


By genre: Often, "shooters" are mistakenly called at all all "action movies", it is not right. Most of the "militants" much harder "shooter". The most purebred representative shooters - "virtual shooting" - extremely simplified game, where are you just need to hit for some targets, usually - mobile. «Scroller» (game with constant uniform forward motion, where very often the main characters are spaceships) also applies to shooters. This includes simple action movies, where except there is almost no shooting. Sign of: continuous shooting, movement limited.


By genre: Management of the human body,driven into certain rule framework, who adhere with the utmost care. Territory is also limited, can not leave the field or stadium. In the genre there is a small conditional division into separate and team a game. Games where we are controlled by just one person: simulator golf course, athletics, rhythmic gymnastics and other types sports olympic games. In games where we control more than one man, and the whole team (choosing the team players one by one), management is complicated by the addition of navigation between members teams. These are simulators of such games as: football, hockey, basketball. Sign of: sport is rivalry what happens on limited within the territory.

Hardware simulator

By genre: Simulation - the most accurate reproduction of reality. Very often, the concept of "simulator" is used for very many different genres. The strategy is called "the commander of the simulator", Black & White - "God simulator", and some fighter - "Simulator special forces or assassin". This approach unconstructive because in reality between all these games the forum almost nothing in common. Sign of: complex management, realistic rules.


By genre: Competitions for the destruction of rivals this includes like ordinary sporting events: boxing, martial arts, fencing, wrestling; so invented bloody competition. Sign of: rivals kill each other in tight spaces.

Spy thriller

By genre: Games that are extremely rarely needed (if at all do not need to) destroy enemies. At the forefront is invisibility and accuracy of movements, avoidance of contact with an adversary. Sign of: enemies don't attack until they notice us.


By genre: In very distant times, when all the “motion games” were two-dimensional, elements of the platformer are present everywhere, the boundaries the genre were vague. Now - it can be very clearly identified. Sign of: side view, many platforms, pits and traps.


By genre: The whole point of such games: overcoming obstacles in form of enemies, through the actions of "evasion" and "destruction". The most difficult and spectacular "battle" become when the main the hero is armed with cold weapons (so often the genre is associated with a sword fight), but there are other types of weapons in the "slashers" :bows, crossbows, combat magic and even firearms ( «Devil May Cry»). Sign of: entertainment, strong enemies, big and complex bosses.

Action movie

By genre: Battle for help "dodging" and "destruction", enemies are not as difficult as in «Slasher» is they equal opportunities with gavtz as in "competitions". For some time before the word action is traditionally written «3D». The main thing in action games is entertainment, so the militants must be at the forefront progress, use the latest special effects and technology. Therefore, they are all three-dimensional and very beautiful, but they also become obsolete quickly on the background of new genre. Sign of: vehicles equipped with means of destruction.

Game control

The group of "control games" consists of those games, the main essence which - event planning and management to achieve benefits further. All kinds of strategies, various economic games, wargames, tactics. The golden mean of the group is “Strategy” (the usual local strategy). On one side is a game in the name of result and goal achievement, on the other extreme - the game in the name of the process of the game. All genres of the group lie between these two limits.

Logic game

By genre: Usually "logical games", "intellectual games" and “Puzzles” rank among the same genre, calling them "Casual". They are united only by the abstract process on the screen, no more like. "Intellectual" are solved by previously accumulated knowledge, “puzzles” - with the help of the game of knowledge. "Logical" - you need to solve with planning all your further actions. Simplest example logical game - "tag". The information here is nothing will not give unlike puzzles. Sign of: rules are known, difficult is necessary for victory combination of simple actions.

Tactical game

By genre: This includes those games where one player controls several characters so that each goes the same amount time (and not so that one of them leading, all the others - the slave). For this requires either step-by-step mode, or slow gameplay in real time. Sign of: several heroes, among them there is no main.

Micro control

By genre: This is an imitation of leadership activities. It would seem that, this is the same as "tactics" - harmonious interaction. But on difference from "tactics" here in submission much more creatures (Usually creatures are combined into units), and battles are often occur in real time. Impossible to have time to command all at the same time, so perfect harmonious interaction - unreachable goal. Sign of: a large army subordinate not step by step mode, and as a result - the inevitable loss.


By genre: What is needed for "development"? Need initial resources to be invested in building construction. Everything, that the player has to do in games of this genre - to spend money for building construction. Sign of: available resources, development and construction of buildings.


By genre: These games are called "life simulators". The most famous representative - «The Sims». Сюда же относятся игры - тамагочи, симуляторы домашних животных. Sign of: удовлетворение потребностей персонажа.

Economic strategy

By genre: Such games look like ordinary "strategies", but combat units are either very few or they are completely absent. The economy is based on resource extraction, converting them into goods, and finally, their sales or use for their needs. In good economic strategies need not only sell, but also buy goods other's, due to a shortage of certain goods; no extra money it happens, you have to wisely choose every construction and purchase. Признак: many types of goods and resources.

Defense Towers

By genre: Building, which requires a quick reaction from the player. Признак: possibility of construction, many attacking enemies.

War game

By genre: ЭThis is a "microcontrol", but with much more using "tactics". As in the "tactics" - is harmonious interaction - there are many subordinates, some of which will certainly have to sacrifice. Sign of: subordinate a small army in which you need keep every unit.

Card role-playing game

By genre: This is the usual "tactic", but the forces of the enemy unknown, so you need "planning". It is necessary to provide the development of events (the moves of the opponent) and to make this development was in your favor. After each turn of the opponent the situation changes a little and there is a need adjusting your “plan”. Sign of: the strength and composition of the army of the enemy is unknown, adjustments plan after each move.

Global war game

By genre: The battlefield is divided into elementary parts - squares or hexes (hexagons). In each square or hex can simultaneously be strictly one unit. Movements are just as clear - from one element to another. Each subordinate unit has its own range movement and range of the battle, sometimes there are special techniques. On these the differences of units from each other and builds "tactics" of the battle. Sign of: step mode, the grid on the battlefield, inability to conduct or build.

Indirect control strategy

By genre: This is a “manager” consisting of “Development” and “care”, but such that the player must manage not only the economy, but also by hostilities managing units in the same way as customers. Sign of: there are warriors in submission, they are not controlled, and managed by a system of rewards and rewards.

Local strategy

By genre: This, in fact, "wargame" ("tactics", "microcontrol"), but with the addition of the element of "development". Sign of: there is a base for creating an army and there is an opponent.

Global strategy

By genre: This is “Local Strategy”, but with the addition of an element “Planning” and “Care”. The result - a systematic development, which time is checked on the battlefield. The whole batch is the result accurate calculation. Sign of: the player controls the whole country: industry, economy, army, science, diplomacy, intelligence.

Strategy - Action

By genre: This is “Local Strategy”, but what happens in real time. Reaction and accuracy (attributes of “action games”) as important as “tactics” with “development” (attributes "Games of control"). Elements of "destruction" and "competition" are in "Fighting (duel)". It is a "duel" more like a strategy of this kind. Sign of: construction of the base and the battle in real time.
