In this part I would like to take a closer look at the Unity_3D game engine. Since for the development of the game InfoDef he was chosen.

Los Angeles video_1

A brief overview of the presentation by the creators of Unity presented several videos with new techno demos demonstrating visual improvements engine. The first, and perhaps the most spectacular, video - futuristic city, reminiscent of the location of the "Fifth element "or" Blade Runner ". Incredible image quality 5K and 60 FPS

Los Angeles video_2

The demo involved 200 thousand unique objects on each building, 100 thousand separate sound sources and five thousand dynamic vehicles. Next year it's A demo with the source code and assets will be posted in public access.

Los Angeles movie

As you can see, the game engine is actively used not only to create games and also for movies and cartoons. Unity provides creative freedom and workflow efficiency in real time creators of CG content developing short, episodic and full-length stories.


Labster gives students access to realistic laboratory experience that will allow them to conduct experiment and practice your skills in a fun and risk-free learning environment. Watch the video to see what Labster has to offer.

Visual effects

Unity has made the editing and production process much more efficient. And we created a unique a pipeline optimized for our team of tens professional artists and animators based around the world, from the Bay Area to France and Malaysia.

Unite Berlin Keynote

Join us live on Unite Berlin to get the latest information about what we are are working! In addition, be prepared for exclusive revelations from the creators of GTFO, Oddworld: Soulstorm, Harold Halibut, Shadowgun Legends and much more!
